Website Income Versus Dividend Stocks

Passive Income vs Dividend IncomeI’ve written a guest post for Young and Thrifty on passive income, titled Website Income vs Dividend Stocks: Which One Comes Out On Top?  

Once I started seriously investing in divided paying stocks, I was amazed in such a short period of time how quickly dividend income can build a portfolio. For me dividend stocks are a great investment. As long as I’m investing in big blue-chip companies that have a reasonable dividend yield, and ignore the short-term market swings, I don’t lose sleep at night.

Dividend stocks are to the investor, what passive income is to a website owner. When I started The Dividend Ninja, I didn’t really know very much about blogging, WordPress, or even what passive income actually was. After 16 months of blogging and coding, investing countless hours, I’m starting to see what passive income really is about. Basically, websites which create income are very similar to stocks which generate dividends. The only difference really being, besides the countless hours you spend on your website, is that you need a much smaller capital outlay to generate a similar income. But websites are not a quick and easy money maker, as some people starting out quickly discover. Here’s a paragraph from the article:

 “Creating income from a website is not a quick get rich scheme. If it is then you are extraordinary lucky.  Building a website takes time and a lot of hard work and effort. If you expect to create a website, throw some Google AdSense up, and sit back while you rake in a few hundred bucks – then you are going to be sorely disappointed. You’ll be lucky if you even make $5 per month when you start! It takes time to create a website that engages readers and generates $500 to $1000 per month in ad revenue, and not everyone makes it…”

I’m delighted that Young and Thrifty hosted the article for me 🙂  It always feels like home when I write for her. Plus I’m desperate for exposure, and she thinks the Ninja is cool!  How sweet is that?

Thanks Y&T!

You can read the full article on her site:
Website Income vs Dividend Stocks: Which One Comes Out On Top?  

18 thoughts on “Website Income Versus Dividend Stocks”

  1. We all think the ninja is cool! I agree with the assessment that blogging isn’t a get rich quick scheme. I thought it was going to be a difficult road to gain readers and it’s been more difficult than I imagined at the time! It’s a humbling, time consuming, but incredibly rewarding experience, isn’t it?

      • Only seriously since October. We’re WAY behind you “experienced” people. We really didn’t know what we were doing (I have a partner) until about mid December (and I’d admit that we don’t know what we’re doing now….). Even this week, we just discovered that some of the data we track isn’t really relevant…live and learn every day….

  2. The thing about blogging is that it is such an enjoyable experience before the money starts coming in as well as after. I haven’t made any money but I am having fun writing, commenting on other blogs and interacting with the writers of other blogs and the commentors on my site. It is kind of fun to see dividend income increasing but it isn’t much of a hobby.

    • Poor Student, I always enjoy your comments 🙂 The writing and connections I make with readers and other bloggers is certainly the fun part of it – the money from blogging is icing on the cake 🙂
      Dividends are more awesome!

  3. I’ve been at it for a little over 3 months and I’m starting to see the traffic coming in and making a little. I do think it has been the hardest $15/month I’ve ever earned! Lol

    That being said, there is a lot to learn and just like any business, you don’t get to the top over night. My investment side will tell you that I really like dividend stocks! 🙂

    • Taline I hear you 🙂 LIke yourself I work in healthcare and work on this stuff part-time. I like writing and I like the challenge of it. But once you start making $1K per month its all worth it… not everyone makes it of course, but its fun trying. Let me know if there is any way I can help you out.

      Cheers 🙂

  4. I’m going to have to check out that article. Until my blog starts making ANY money, I’m going to have to say that my mutual funds and stocks have done a better job at making me money than my website. I cannot even begin to say how many hours I have “invested” into my blog. Passive income in terms of blogging is sounding like an oxymoron at this stage of the game!

    • Hey MyMoneyDesign, don’t be discouraged! It’s a lot of work to make income from a website, and just like investing, it takes time to see the results 🙂 I didn’t even see any significant income until my second year.

      Investing should be your first priority!


      • Thanks for the encouragement! You are absolutely right that investing is priority one. I’m eager to add some dividend stocks to my portfolio this year. I also hear Apple may start finally paying a dividend …

  5. Good post @ Y&T Ninja!

    Yeah, creating online income is not easy. Definitely takes time. Lately, I’ve been stalled around 500 dedicated readers. It would be great if I could get to 1,000 readers by the end of 2012, that is my unofficial goal.

    If I make it, great. If not, not a big deal. I’ll still write 🙂

    I count myself fortunate to know so many fine people, who blog. The Canadian personal finance and investing community has been very kind and generous to me, and for that, I’m very thankful – much more fulfilling than money could ever provide 🙂

  6. I started my blog at the end of January and have managed to reach 35 unique visitors daily – which I am delighted with 🙂 – I am not even thinking about making money at this stage, I just enjoy the writing and interaction. It is great to meet like minded people 😀

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