Three Dividend Payers Who Could See Significant Share Price Increases

The following post is written by Hank Coleman. Dividend yield isn’t the only thing out there for investors to consider. What about capital appreciation? There are several stocks that are poised to see their share prices appreciate as well. They could not only earn you an excellent return with a dividend yield but will also provide you with a great return with their under valued share prices. These three dividend payers could see a significant share price increase over the next year. One of the greatest attributes of dividend stocks is that they pay you to wait for their share …

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Shareholder Yield, A Better Approach to Dividend Investing – Book Review

The following is a guest post from Ben Carlson at A Wealth of Common Sense.  Ben writes about personal finance, investments, investor psychology and using your common sense to build wealth. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00CRLSL4W” cloaking=”default” height=”auto” localization=”default” locale=”CA” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”” tag=”divninjaca-20″ width=”230″][easyazon_link asin=”B00CRLSL4W” locale=”CA” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”divninjaca-20″ add_to_cart=”default” cloaking=”default” localization=”default” popups=”default”]Shareholder Yield: A Better Approach to Dividend Investing[/easyazon_link]by Mebane Faber, answers one of the most often asked questions in investing today – “Where do I find yield”? Academic research on the topic of dividend investing is fairly well-known at this point (especially to loyal Dividend Ninja readers).  Dividends make …

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Why I Won’t Invest In AIG

The following post is written by Hank Coleman. The AIG Bailout Earlier last week, American International Group (NYSE Stock Symbol: AIG) announced that they would begin issuing their first dividend since being bailed out by the United States government in 2008. I’m a free market capitalist at heart, and never agreed with the government bailouts during the financial crisis. And, I’m definitely not a fan of sinking my money back into companies that have lost my trust. In September 2008 during the earliest days of the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve provided the troubled insurance giant with an $85 billion …

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Big Blue Chips Down Under

Australia and Canada have quite a few things in common. Notably both countries originated from British colonies, and share a similar parliamentary and legal system based on British Common Law. Both countries also share a similar GDP (Gross Domestic Product). From an investing point of view, the similarities are even more striking, with both countries being heavily dependent on resource economies. Both countries also share a similar exchange heavily weighted on financials (banks) and materials (mining stocks). Australia has a higher weighting towards mining companies, whereas Canada has an emphasis on oil and gas producers. So why invest in Australian …

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