Is the Stock Market in a Bubble?

Written by Ben Carlson Investors seem to carry emotional scars from the dotcom bubble in 2000, and the debt bubble of the 2008 to 2009 Financial Crisis. Both bubbles caused massive losses for investors. Hindsight bias causes us to look at past events and assume they were much more predictable than they actually were at the time.  It’s the “I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon.” Since those crashes are so fresh in our memories, we are now subject to knee jerk reactions. Any time an investment rises in substantially in price we hear a chorus of bubble calls. Morgan Housel of the Motley Fool …

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Go Global for Higher Yield Dividend Stocks

Written by Ben Carlson One of the biggest fears investors have right now, is that interest rates will rise substantially from their current historically low levels. Many believe this inevitable interest rate increase could lead to the underperformance of dividend paying stocks. Bonds are directly impacted by an increase in rates, but other income producing investments such as REITs, preferred stocks and dividend stocks could also be adversely affected. See my previous post – The Risks of High Yielding Investments. Since bond yields have been so low for so long now, dividend stocks have enjoyed a strong rise and have probably …

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Are U.S. Dividend Stocks Overpriced?

Written by Ben Carlson US dividend stocks have had a great run.  They outperformed during the 2000-2002 bear market.  They held their own in the ensuing bull market of 2003-2007. They have also made great investments since the 2008 downturn and subsequent recovery. Since 2008, as measured by the SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (SDY), US dividend stocks are outperforming the S&P 500 by nearly 25% through the end of October. This is quite a nice run for an investment that is generally considered to be stable and long-term in nature.  Dividend stocks have also outperformed with much lower volatility than …

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In What Account Should Canadians Hold U.S. Dividend Stocks?

The following post is written by Brian So, an insurance advisor and blogger at Hi everyone, this is my first of hopefully many posts on the Dividend Ninja. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Brian So and I have been working with my dad in the financial industry for about 2 years, and helping people with their financial goals. I’ve found my work to be very rewarding and I want to share some of my knowledge with more people. What better way to do this than to guest post on the Dividend Ninja with such a loyal and dedicated …

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