In the Media

The Dividend Ninja has been mentioned in various media, nominated for awards, and featured in other notable investment and personal finance blogs. The Dividend Ninja, was also a contributing editor for Canadian MoneySaver Magazine.

The Globe and Mail

Thank you to Rob Carrick at the Globe and Mail for the following mentions:

November 29th, 2013
Helping My Daughter Through ShareOwner, by Steve, was mentioned in Carrick on Money:
50 Unfortunate Truths About Investing.

September 20th, 2013
Are REITs a Buy? written by Ben Carlson, was mentioned in Carrick on Money:
The Single Man’s Financial Woes.

February 11th, 2013
Don’t Use Your TFSA as a Savings Account, was mentioned in Carrick on Money:
The Lowdown on Canada’s Rental Market.

November 12th, 2012
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs & Enticing Yields, by Wealth Effect Blogger, was mentioned in Carrick on Money: Should You Insure Your Kids?

April 20th, 2012
Why Dividend Cuts Are A Good Thing, was mentioned in Rob Carrick’s Reader:
Keep Your Mitts Off My Money.

February 9th, 2012
Five Reasons Why I Love REITs by Hank Coleman, was mentioned in Rob Carrick’s Reader:
Mom, Dad and their parasite kids.

Mentioned in…

The Dividend Ninja has also been mentioned in the following investment and finance blogs:

March 11th, 2013
The best mention I have received is from The College Investor. Robert chose the Dividend Ninja as the No.2 blog in the 19 Best Investment Blogs You Can Learn From. Thank you Robert!

October 15th, 2012
The Dividend Ninja was mentioned as one of the Top 100 Websites for Saving Money in Canada.

June 2nd, 2011
The Dividend Ninja was featured as the No.9 blog, in the Dividend Investing E-book. Thanks Dividend Guy!

March 29th, 2011
Dividend Ninja was listed as the No.4 blog in 7 Dividend Blogs You Need To Read, from Dividend Stocks Online. Thanks for the mention DSO!

March 9th, 2011
Dividend Ninja was featured as the No.9 blog in the Top 10 Dividend Blogs. Thanks Mike for including the Ninja in your dividend resource site!

Published Articles and Posts

Published in…